Title: "Philosophy of Love - Yes24"
"Philosophy of Love" revolves around Stendhal's love affair with Mathilde in Italy. 📖❤️ Stendhal's philosophy of love has a distinctly psychological nature, and his love system possesses unique characteristics. However, readers should not expect systematic narration. Stendhal worries that even when he boasts of describing some truth, he may have only sighed.
In 1820, Stendhal experiences the greatest love of his life. The object of his affection is Mathilde De Dembowski, the wife of a general in Milan. However, she does not respond to Stendhal's charm, and due to her separation, meeting was difficult. Stendhal was drawn to her clear and cool beauty and began his love in 1818, but it did not bear fruit.
"Philosophy of Love" not only deals with the tragic love affair with Mathilde but also contains Stendhal's philosophical reflections, serving as a 'treatise on love.' The book emphasizes Stendhal's role as a 'philosopher' rather than a typical 'novelist,' showcasing his only philosophical work. 🌌🖋️
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